If your client has serious or multiple health
conditions you can’t be sure they can’t get cover
until you’ve tried Real Life.
Why try Real Life?
Serious and multiple medical conditions considered.
It’s cover for families that need cover most.
Our underwriters do their best to say yes.
Trusts can be set up at point of application.
Quick quotes and partially underwritten quotes available.
You can’t be sure until you talk to us.
Cover summary and underwriting approach
Cover summary and underwriting approach
Everything you’d expect from life insurance
It pays out if the policyholder dies or if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness where life expectancy is less than 12 months within the term of the policy.
Available to UK residents
Real Life is available to customers resident in the UK for the last three years, aged between 18 to 80 inclusive.
Two options to quote
1. A partially underwritten quote
For clients with a history of Diabetes, Heart Attack or Angina, Obesity or Stroke.
2. A quick quote
Contact our underwriters who will provide an indicative loading over the phone, then input your clients' basic details to receive an instant quote.
Referrals on more complex cases
For more complex conditions we’re geared up to underwrite on a case by case basis. It’s the best way to go giving us the best chance of providing them with affordable cover, quickly and efficiently.
Cover amounts to accommodate everyone’s needs
The minimum amount of benefit is £20,000 and the maximum is £3,000,000 subject to individual consideration.
Two types of cover
Clients can choose between level or decreasing cover. With level cover, the benefit amount will remain the same through the term of the policy. With decreasing cover, the benefit amount will reduce each month in the same way as the outstanding amount on a repayment mortgage with an interest rate of 8% per year.
Choose how long the cover lasts
The cover can last for any number of years between 5 and 50. However, the policy must end before your clients reach their 90th birthday.
Increase or decrease cover at any time
Life has a habit of changing. So, if your client needs to increase or reduce their cover, they can request it at any time. Any change will impact the monthly premium.
Accident Death Benefit provided whilst we consider the application
If your client is under 55 years of age and dies due to an accident whilst we are considering their application, we will pay the sum assured requested on the application to a maximum of £250,000. This cover stops once your client’s policy starts or we postpone, reject or decline the application.
Medical conditions where a partially underwritten quote is possible:
(Type 1 and 2)
Heart Attack
or Angina
For all other medical conditions, including the ones below, you can use our quick quote option:
Alcohol Abuse/Dependency
Atrial Fibrillation/Arrhythmias
(including Hodgkin’s Disease, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and the Leukaemias)
HIV Positive
Mental Illness
Multiple Sclerosis
Underwriting information we need
For the following conditions, our underwriters will require the type of information below to return a quote:
- Is it ongoing?
- Current liver function test results?
- Is your client working full-time?
- Any complications or co-existing conditions (e.g. heart/mental health problems)?
The evidence we need:
- Any symptoms currently?
- Treatment past and present?
- Any underlying problems?
- Any complications (e.g. blood clots in the lungs, strokes)?
- What type?
- Staging/grading?
- Treatment and the date it was completed?
- Any spread from the original site?
- Date of last diabetic review?
- Date of diagnosis?
- Most recent HbA1c reading?
- Diabetic disease of the nerves (for example numbness in the feet)?
- Diabetic kidney problems (examples include extra protein in the urine or reduced renal function)?
- Diabetic eye disease? Any treatment required as a result of diabetic eye disease?
- Any gangrene, perforating ulcers or amputation due to your diabetes?
- Any other medical conditions?
- What condition have you suffered from?
- Date of diagnosis?
- When was your most recent episode?
- Is your condition considered stable?
- Are you waiting for an operation or any further investigations?
- Have you suffered from more than one episode?
- Are your blood pressure and cholesterol levels well controlled, with or without the use of medication?
- Have you had any related surgery?
- What type of surgery have you had?
- Have you suffered from any heart related symptoms since your treatment?
- Are you aware of any complications?
- Date found to be positive?
- Current CD4 count?
- Current viral load?
- Treatment (e.g. HAART)?
- Details of any infections including dates.
NB: We are unable to offer terms if your client has AIDS.
- What type (e.g. anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder)?
- Treatment past and present (including in-patient treatment)?
- How many suicide attempts, if any, and dates
NB: There needs to have been no suicide attempts within the last year and no multiple suicide attempts within the last five years.
For recurrent bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, there should have been no episodes within the last two years and the client should be working full-time.
- What type (e.g. relapsing remitting, secondary progressive, primary progressive, progressive relapsing)?
- Date of diagnosis?
- Date of last relapse?
- How many relapses per year?
- Current symptoms, if any?
- Severity of symptoms (e.g. are any mobility aids required for walking)?
- Any complications (e.g. bowel/bladder problems, depression)?
- Current height and weight?
- Any co-existing health issues?
- We are unable to offer terms if your client has a BMI over 55.
- What condition have you suffered from?
- Date of diagnosis?
- How old were you when your condition was diagnosed??
- How many separate episodes have you suffered?
- When was your most recent episode?
- How severe are your symptoms?
- Have you fully recovered with no ongoing complications?
- Are you aware of any complications?

Plus all Real Life
members also get access to:
The free members app that provides quick and convenient medical advice and treatments through smartphone or tablet and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
- Remote GP appointments
- Second medical opinion
- Registered dietitian consultations
- Lifestyle and nutrition consultations
Adviser resources
The all new, all you need to know, Real Life toolkit.
Which includes…

Real Life facts
Our infographic will give you an insight into the growing number of people living with medical conditions.

The benefit of trusts
Talking about trusts is a must. Our trust guide will help you explain the key benefits to Real Life clients.

Client profiles
Our client profiles will help you understand
who Real Life is right for.